he came in for the starting pitcher in the sixth inning. 6 意味

  • 回で先発投手と交代した


        starting pitcher:    starting pitcher スターティングピッチャー 先投 せんとう 先発投手 せんぱつとうしゅ
        decide on a starting pitcher:    《野球》先発{せんぱつ}を決定{けってい}する
        relieving the (starting) pitcher:    relieving the (starting) pitcher 継投 けいとう
        right to know where he or she came from:    出生{しゅっしょう/しゅっせい}の事実{じじつ}を知る権利{けんり}
        remind someone that he's got the meeting starting shortly:    (人)に会議{かいぎ}が間もなく始まることを伝える
        came at someone without knowing he is an expert in martial arts:    (人)が武道{ぶどう}の達人{たつじん}だということを知らずに(人)に飛び掛かる
        deadline he set for a minibus to the airport came and went without incident:    《a ~》ミニバスを空港{くうこう}まで手配{てはい}するよう彼が設定{せってい}した期限{きげん}が来たが何も起こらなかった
        sixth:    {名} : 6分の1、第6(番目{ばんめ})、6番目{ばんめ}の物[人] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 第6の、6番目{ばんめ}の、6分の1の The sixth desk in this row is yours. この列の6番目の机があなたの机だ。
        player put on starting list to be replaced by another when the opponent's pitcher is known:    player put on starting list to be replaced by another when the opponent's pitcher is known 偵察要員 ていさつよういん
        inning:     inning n. 〔野球〕 イニング; 〔クリケット〕 イニング, 《英》 政権担当期. 【動詞+】 have one's innings 《英》 番が回ってくる Now the Conservatives will have an innings. 《英》 今度は保守党が政権をとる番だ He pitched seven full innings bef
        came:     came n. [kéim] 【動】 comeの過去形.
        pitcher:     1pitcher n. 〔野球〕 投手, ピッチャー. 【+動詞】 The pitcher fielded the ball and tossed it to the first baseman. ピッチャーは打球をさばいて一塁手にトスした Their pitcher mowed down our batters. 相手チームの投手はわが方の打者を次々なで切りにした
        he:    he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
        he's:    {1} : he is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : he has の縮約形 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        s/he:    {代名} : 彼女または彼は[が]◆she or he の略


  1. "he came in at that point to explain certain details"の英語
  2. "he came in by the back stairway"の英語
  3. "he came in first by a wide margin"の英語
  4. "he came in for a share of the blame"の英語
  5. "he came in for severe criticism on that head"の英語
  6. "he came in from the cold walking like a robot"の英語
  7. "he came in from the fields dripping perspiration"の英語
  8. "he came in on the ground floor and his stock is worth millions now"の英語
  9. "he came in out of the rain looking like something the cat had brought in"の英語
  10. "he came in for a share of the blame"の英語
  11. "he came in for severe criticism on that head"の英語
  12. "he came in from the cold walking like a robot"の英語
  13. "he came in from the fields dripping perspiration"の英語

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